Iran has gradually, over the last two years, fallen under increased pressure tactics from the western world in protest to its nuclear programs. The European Union was the latest to recently impose sanctions by restricting financial transactions with Iranian banking institutions, thus adding an important economic blockade already in place by the international community.
As most of you already know, on April 11th, 2012 MICC confirmed that the quota of 2,700 had been reached. We would like to thank all our Certified Partners for their hard work and collaboration on the QCIIP. With the current situation of no new investor applications being accepted by either Quebec or Federal authorities,…
Take advantage of the current program before it is too late. The Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities of Quebec (MICC) has received over 560 immigrant investor applications since the quota of 2700 was announced on March 21, 2012. Once the limit has been reached, the program will be suspended until March 2013. The latest…
Business applicants (entrepreneurs, investors and self-employed) selected by Quebec must submit their visa applications at the Canadian visa office serving their country of residence. For a full list of visa offices organized by country, please visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada website. Please note that skilled workers must apply to the office in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Fore more…
MICC has issued further details surrounding the processing of Iranian files affected by the recent amendments to the Economic Sanctions. Applicants listed in Schedule 1 of the regulations Processing of files for applicants who are listed in Schedule 1, or have substantial interest (shareholder or manager) in a company listed in Schedule 1 will be…
MICC has released a new Application for Selection Certificate for Quebec, which can be found in the downloads section of our website in English and French. To facilitate its use by our partners, we have made the form electronically fillable. This version includes changes to the instructions, information structure and the number of lines for…
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade informed us today of the requirements to obtain an Authorization for Iranian clients affected by the recent Economic Sanctions (Special Economic Measures – Iran). As the imposed sanctions on Iran restrict financial transactions, an Authorization is required in order to be able to transfer funds related to the…
Services redistributed to Lebanon and Jordan Due to the continuing violence in Syria, the Visa and Immigration Section at the Canadian Embassy in Damascus is closed and services have been transferred to neighbouring visa offices, Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism announced today.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has issued an Operational Bulletin 378 to clarify the extent to which the imposed sanctions on Iran will affect immigration applicants. Issued Instructions:
Please read an article published this morning by the CBC related to the temporary suspension of Iranian files under the Immigrant Investor Program. Although unconfirmed officially, clients who have their funds outside Iran may still be able to apply under the investor category. Furthermore, Iranians residing outside of Iran may also be able to apply.…